Sunday 13 December 2009

Navigator Original Role-Play

((Navigator is set in an alternate universe but for familiarity we kept the basic history of Earth as its template, the countries, their pasts, their people. To see a history of the extra continents and countries we added, and exactly what happened with the War, causing the events of this role-play to occur, check out the ‘A History’ thread on the forum))

In the 1830s the Navvies began to work on the rails reaching from one end of Britain to the other. Underground and over water, the 1890s marked the first major underground rail network in Scotland. The Glasgow Subway. Designed to allow transport of people, goods and information around the country with ease and speed.

Over two hundred years later; their work has gone to waste, the subways cut off, the railways destroyed. But in the lines of Glasgow the 'Navi' Rebellion Cell has formed. Determined to bring Britain back from the three year dictatorial rule of Tsuio Ingis, the leader of Jolnier.

We're a friendly pair (with a wish to become a friendly bunch) and our application system is pretty darn easy ;D 

Saturday 21 November 2009

Torchwood Role-Play

Recently co-created a Torchwood role-playing forum, where you can take on a canon character (if you want) or take my preferred option and create a character of your own.
Anyway, currently we only have myself and my co-creator, so join us here.

Monday 16 November 2009

Blood Red Snow White

Wonderful book by Marcus Sedgewick.
Found this paragraph as I was re-reading.

"The typewriter was a marvel of miniturisation, made from steel and rubber and ivory. A simple enough thing, though to him, a miracle in itself, for in that box was the potential to write everything that could ever be written. Every word, every sentence, every thought that could ever be, was waiting to be made from the machine in the box. Every single idea ever was in there. And that in itself was a wonderful idea."

If you read my previous posts you may realise I have a thing about typewriters. And about writing. A big thing about writing.


Thursday 1 October 2009

The Tiva Rebellion Movement

If you one of those (seemingly very few) people who watch NCIS and don't like 'Tiva' then join the Movement at the Tiva Rebellion Movement Base . Talk to other recruits, plot against Tiva, have a laugh, and use as much military language as possible.
Hope to see you there.

Saturday 5 September 2009

TV Characters

Anyone else out there fall in love with characters from TV but not their actors? Seriously. It's kind of freaky, but I do.
I mean, I like Mark Harmon, but I love Gibbs. Same goes for Patrick Jane and Cho from the Mentalist. Derek Shepard from Grey's Anatomy. Tony Almeida from 24. Sawyer from Lost. There are others . . .
So yeah. I think this is more normal than some stuff I do (see cheer-chick's post "Toasters For Retards"), but I'm not sure how normal.

Saturday 29 August 2009


I reckoned, since I advertise my blog on my fanfiction profile, I should advertise my fanfiction profile on my blog.

So if you read NCIS fanfiction, and I have some 24 poems and 1 Pushing Daisies poem, then check me out at .

My main set of stories are set in the future of NCIS, and I'm really rather proud of them.

And please review. It makes me unbelievably happy.
